Friday, July 1, 2016

Diem-9 months

 Age: 9 months

Weight: 19lbs. 5oz (68th percentile)

Height: 28" (50th percentile)

Head: 43cm (25th percentile)

Diem started eating solids this month. She has tried bananas, blueberries, avocado, sweet potatoes, and oatmeal. We are a little concerned, because she throws up violently when she has bananas or avocado. Apparently, the two go hand in hand for allergies. We are going to hold off on both of those, until right before her 12 month checkup. If she has a sensitivity then, she will see an allergy specialist.
Diem got into the sitting position all by herself this month. Unfortunately, I haven't witnessed the act, yet. A few days ago,  I had her laying down in the living room. When I went to check on her a minute later, she was sitting! I was so surprised to see her like that!
Diem has a loud voice! She really enjoys yelling one note, for as long as she can. She is especially loud while shopping. I'm sure the other customers can hear her from across the store.
Diem also sat in a shopping cart for the first time a few weeks ago. She loved being upright and checking everything out.
Diem's tongue is crazy. She has it moving all of the time. The way she can roll and bend it amazes us.
Diem is still obsessed with eyelashes. She feels hers whenever she is sucking her thumb (which is a lot!) She has just become aware of my eyelashes. She is bound and determined to stick her finger in my eye, if I'm within arms length.
Diem also blows bubbles, A LOT! She knows she's being funny, so she tries not to separate her lips by smiling.


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