Age: 10 months
This last month was huge for Diem's development! She started crawling a few weeks ago! Her crawl is very different from how Brennan's was. She stays in perfect knee and hand posture and inches each knee forward very slowly. (Brennan did a sweeping knee to hip movement.) She motors all over the house.
Diem also says "Mama" and "Dada" now. She is really good at repeating sounds and I think she'll be talking sooner than Brennan did.
Diem still hasn't popped any teeth! I can't believe that Brennan got his first two at 4 months of age and here's Diem, all gums still!
Diem takes two 2 hour naps a day. She doesn't lay down at nap time and bed time quite as well as Brennan did. She's still pretty easy, I just have to rock and relax her a bit first. I end up holding her in my arms for an hour or so, after she falls asleep at night. I just love that moment so much, that I can't get myself to let go of her.
Diem is still our sweet, content, happy-go-lucky little angel! We love her so!
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