Friday, October 30, 2015

Diem-1 month

Age: 1 month

Weight: 10 lbs. 11oz (74th percentile)

Height: 22" (72nd percentile)

Head: 37cm (48th percentile)

Diem has been a dream baby! She rarely cries, usually she'll just grunt and groan. She gives plenty of warning that she's hungry or upset, before letting out a cry. At night feedings, she'll just whimper to wake me up. (Brennan would go from sleeping to screaming in 1 second.)

She's growing like a weed! I can't believe that she's gained over 3 and a half pounds in a month. Diem sleeps so much, she's only awake for 2-3 hours of the day. She's been sleeping a good 4-7 hours at a time at night! In the first couple of weeks, I'd have to set an alarm to wake her up for feedings at night, but because she's gaining so much weight, now I just let her wake up when she wants to nurse. She does cluster feed during the day, usually nursing every hour to two.

She has started to smile already. Brennan gets her to smile more than anyone. She's only given Ryan and me a couple of "on-purpose" smiles, but almost every time that she makes eye contact with Brennan, she smiles! Brennan absolutely adores Diem! It has been the smoothest transition imaginable! Brennan talks to her in this super high voice, that his voice cracks. The sound of him saying, "Bless you...Diem, bless you." when she sneezes is the sweetest thing I have ever heard. Her refers to her as "Me Diem," which means "My Diem!"

My biggest fear with becoming a mother of two, was the thought of leaving the house. I didn't know how I'd go to the grocery store, or run errands. Well, it  has been a breeze. Diem is so content in the Boba wrap that I don't even have to worry about her crying in public. Brennan has been so cooperative, as well. He just does whatever I ask him! I feel fortunate beyond belief!

I love kissing Diem's plump little cheeks and the sweet way that she just melts into me when I snuggle her in the early mornings. I am trying to cherish these newborn moments, because I know they will be gone in the blink of an eye.


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