Friday, October 30, 2015

Brennan-24 months

Age: 24 months

Weight: 29 lbs. 8oz (68th percentile)

Height: 36" (88th percentile)

Head: 51cm (95th percentile)

How Brennan is two years old, is beyond me! He is the light of our lives! We always say, "Do you think there's any child more loved than Brennan?" and our response is always, "It's not possible!"

Brennan's favorite thing to do is be active! He loves running, and playing on his bikes and ride-on cars. He doesn't stop moving from the moment that his feet touch the ground in the morning, until the moment he is laid down at night! (With the exception of his afternoon nap.) He is full of laughter and smiles all day long.

Brennan has just recently gone to taking one nap during the day. We also decided to stop giving him his pacifier. It has only been allowed in his crib for over a year now. Since he doesn't have his pacifier to look forward to, for nap time and bed time, we have just begun to rock him. Brennan was never one for cuddling, but he really enjoys this time. I'm not sure if he enjoys it as much as us, though! We usually talk about the day and recap everything that he did, or we'll tell him what he has to look forward to, with the next day.

Brennan's second birthday party:

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