Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Diem-19 months

 Age: 19 months

Diem is such a girly girl. She is obsessed with her shoes and coat. She wants to have them on at all times. I washed her coat the other day, and she pulled it out of the bottom of the laundry basket the moment she spotted it. She cries when I try to take her shoes off, when it is time for bed! She also walks around with a small metal basket, that she received as part of an Easter gift, on the crook of her arm, as if it is her little purse. She fills it up with toys and then empties it out. She loves to have pig-tails put into her hair, and she "models" new outfits by turning her body.
Diem had a random molar pop through last month! She only has two front teeth on the top, two front teeth on the bottom, and then a molar on the bottom! If she doesn't get more teeth in the next month or two, we will have to visit the dentist.


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