Thursday, October 6, 2016

Diem-12 months

Age: 12 months

Weight: 20lbs 4oz (57th percentile)

Length: 28.75" (32nd percentile)

Head: 44cm (24th percentile)

This month was a big one for Diem's development! She finally started to pull herself up onto her feet. All that it took was one time, and now she loves standing!
She also finally has teeth! Her lower front two teeth came in together. She loves using them, and thinks its hilarious to bite people's fingers. We have been experimenting with giving her more finger food. She will only eat a little, and then finds so much joy in dropping it to Xander or stashing it next to her little hips in her high chair. She will eat endless amounts of every pureed food. There hasn't been anything that she refuses, so I'm taking advantage of that and packing her full of vegetables that even I won't touch :)
Diem is still taking 2 two hour naps a day and sleeping a straight 12 hours a night. We have just added a 3rd meal into her daily routine and I'm still nursing her 7 times a day.
Diem is content as ever and we just love that about her!


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