Saturday, May 21, 2016

Diem-8 months

Age: 8 months

Diem is still the sweetest, most content baby I have ever met. She is really rolling around and going for what she wants. She can make it from one side of the living room, to the other, in 20 seconds. She loves touching new objects and playing with her toys. The other day, she was laying on her back and watched her hands turn into fists and her fingers wiggle for a minute straight.
She is more vocal than last month. She is blowing bubbles and yelling to herself.
Diem tried solid food for the first time this month. So far she's had bananas and blueberries. It's not surprise that she loved both. I'd be surprised if there's a food out there that she won't eat ;)
Diem is still a wonderful sleeper. She sleeps from 8:30PM-8:00AM. She take 2 or 3 naps a day, that are usually an hour or two long. When she wakes up, she just sucks on her thumb and patiently waits for me to get her. She only sucks on her left thumb.
Diem loves the feeling of her eyelashes! She puts her fingers just close enough to her eyes, to feel her eyelashes as they open and close. She especially does this when she's sucking her thumb.
Diem smiles all of the time, but she has just started smiling with her mouth closed. She has this innocent little grin on her face ALL OF THE TIME! It has become her resting face!


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