Monday, January 25, 2016

Brennan-28 29 30 months

Age:30 months

Weight:34 lbs

Brennan is quite the comedian! He makes me laugh all day long!
A couple weeks ago, Ryan was laying on the spare bed, on his stomach. Brennan crawled up and pulled at the back of his waistband and said, "ohhhh poopy?" He's so used to us doing that to him, that he thought that it was acceptable for him to do to Ryan.
Brennan likes to copy what we say. Every morning, when I walk into his room, I say, "Good morning Baby!" Some mornings he'll say, "Good morning Baby!" right back at me! The best part is that he's not trying to be funny.
Brennan's vocabulary is incredible! He says words that I didn't even think he has ever heard! He pointed into one of his new books and said, "Look! A hedgehog!"
He is saying "what was that noise?" vs "what was that?" "What is this thing?" vs "what is this?" The most common things he says are, "Look! See it? Right there!" and "whattayadoin'?"
He loves to narrate our drive while in the car. He'll say, "Mommy look! A water tower." and keep repeating himself until I acknowledge him. Once I do, he moves on to Daddy. "Daddy, look! A water tower, see it?"
Brennan still loves anything that "goes." He's really into Thomas and Friends. He loves looking through a Thomas catalog that I grabbed at Train Fest and memorizing all of the train's names (he knows over 30 train's names!"  He also loves riding his numerous bikes and cars around the house.
He's in a throwing stage right now. He throws 50% of the things that he touches.
We adore our little 2 1/2 year old so much, that words can't even express.

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