Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Brennan-12 months

Age: 12 months

Weight: 21 lbs (50th percentile!!!) He's come a long way, since not even being on the charts at 3 months old!

Length: 30" (50th percentile)

Head: 47 cm (85th percentile)

Brennan not only started pulling himself up onto his feet this month, he also started walking along furniture. He's so strong and so fast. He can climb all the way up the stairs and is usually up three or four stairs before we can run to be behind him.
Brennan is just starting to get a little attitude. If you close a cabinet that he is playing in, or take away something that he's holding, he'll whine and kick his feet for about 3 seconds, then gets over it.
He is very generous with our dog, Xander. He absolutely loves picking up Xander's toys and pushing holding them into Xander's mouth. Xander has warmed up to Brennan so much more this last month. He'll actually take the toy that Brennan is offering him. That's about as friendly as he's willing to get so far, though.
Brennan loves to hear his own voice. Sometimes he is so intense when he talks, it just cracks us up.


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