Wednesday, June 12, 2013


Weeks: 33

Waist size: +6.5"

Weight gain: 17 lbs.

Symptoms: My feet have been aching at the end of the night. I've been rolling a tennis ball under them and doing tons of ankle rolls and point/flexes to relieve the tightness. Thank goodness it's starting to warm up and I can just throw on sandals now.

Cravings: Deep fried cheese curds. I know, terrible! I had them once this week and now I'm craving them.

Aversions: Well the theme for this pregnancy was salads. I'm starting to get saladed-out (what? lol) I've been having a hard time getting those last couple bites down without having a gagging reaction.   

Sleep: Still better than the first trimester!

Wedding ring on: Yep, still no problem!

Best moment this week: I had time to go through all the great things we received at the shower. I was able to get the nursery tidied up a bit, too.

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