Thursday, April 4, 2013


Weeks: 23

Waist size: +4"

Weight gain: 7lbs.

Symptoms: My Braxton Hicks have become much stronger. If I'm busy doing things, they aren't too bad, but sometimes in the car or bed, I have to breath through them. They aren't painful at all, just a bit uncomfortable.

Cravings: I'm still loving oreos and milk :)

Aversions: None-Unless riding in a car counts! I get so car sick now. Ryan drives a stick shift and it's the death of me some days.

Sleep: I've been sleeping much better! 

Wedding ring on: Yes

Best moment this week: We were able to spend Easter in Pittsburgh, visiting my brother and his girlfriend, Kara. It was so nice to have the whole family together!

Side note: We got word this week that our offer was not the one chosen for the house. We are so bummed, because we thought that it was a done deal. We even offered over their asking price. The search continues!

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