Friday, March 15, 2013


Weeks: 20!

Waist size: +3"

Weight gain: 6lbs.

Symptoms: I've been feeling pretty great! Baby boy is moving like crazy all of the time now. Before, it was pretty much when I was laying/sitting down, but now it's almost nonstop. Ryan and I love to watch my belly move, it's like a waterbed in there.

Cravings: Nothing out of the ordinary for me. My sweet tooth is officially backkkk! At my grocery store run this week, I managed to buy 4 different ice cream flavors/treats! Yikes, hopefully they'll last me a month or two ;)

Aversions: Does cleaning count? Lol, it's hard for me to get motivated. I finish all of the laundry, except the last load. I get it folded, but it seems like such a chore to put that last load away. 

Sleep: Nothing new there. 6-7 interrupted hours a night.

Wedding ring on: Yes

Best moment this week: My parents came down for a visit last weekend. It was great to see them, and to have them feel baby boy move! We also picked up our nursery furniture this week and we love just standing in the room now. 

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