Weeks: 22
Waist size: +4"
Weight gain: 7lbs.
Symptoms: I never knew what people were talking about when they'd say they got a "charlie horse", until now! I get leg cramps every night either in my calves or the arches of my feet. Wow are they painful.
Cravings: Water, I've been sooo thirsty this week! No matter how much I drink, I need more water.
Aversions: None
Sleep: Not too bad!
Wedding ring on: Yes
Best moment this week: Ryan and I finally found a house that didn't just get an accepted offer on it! Every house we liked, would be gone before we were even done walking through it, it seemed. We looked at this house on Sunday and wasted no time writing up an offer. It turns out there was another offer on it, just not accepted yet. The seller came back to both of us, with a counter of "best and final offer." Which means that we both put in another offer and who ever is highest, will get the house. It's nerve-wracking, but exciting that we found a house we both love...I just hope it works out.