Saturday, January 26, 2013


Weeks: 6

Waist size: no change

Weight gain: down 3lbs.

Symptoms: The morning sickness is just starting to kick in. I've had nausea, throwing up, dizziness, and pretty severe headaches.  

Cravings: I'm not really craving anything, it's hard to get anything down.

Aversions: Pretty much everything sounds disgusting to me. Poor Ryan, everytime I say I have to eat, he asks me what I want. I never know, so he begins naming ideas. I have to tell him to stop, because the thought of it makes me sick!

Sleep: I'm not sleeping well at all. I wake up to an hour to three hours every night. Usually between 1-4:00AM.

Wedding ring on: Yes

Best moment this week: The best moment this week was seeing and hearing the heart beat! It suddenly made the terrible morning sickness not seem so terrible!

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