Thursday, August 18, 2016

Brennan-34-35-36 months

Age: 36 months

Weight: 35lbs 13oz (85th percentile)

Height: 3' 2" (64th percentile)

Brennan is 3! He amazes us everyday! He is so smart. He is always listening to us. He is at the age that we have to think about what we are saying in front of him. The other day I was just telling Ryan that Brennan was such a good boy and then I heard Brennan say, "Yes I am."  from the other room. We had no idea he was listening to us.
He makes us laugh so much, especially with the faces that he makes! He's so expressive! My two favorites are when he acts surprised and says, "What in the world!?!" as he curls one side of his lip up and when he sees something cute, he talks in the really high, sweet voice as his face almost looks like he's going to cry (pouting out his lower lip) and says, "Awww, look a little..." I laugh all day long when I'm with him!
I was in the grocery store with Brennan and Diem a couple months ago. I was looking at the lettuces. Brennan points and says, "That's yucky." and as he looks down the wall of vegetables, he says, "That's yucky...that's yucky... that's yucky." as he continues to point at all of the different varieties. He was being so sweet and matter of fact, that I couldn't stop laughing.
One night, we decided to let Brennan lay with us in our bed, as he was having a hard time falling asleep. (Which is completely out of the norm for him!) He was getting really tired and delirious, when he looked at Ryan and said, "Daddy what's this?" as he pointed to a wrinkle on Ryan's forehead. Then he said, "It looks like a road." Then without skipping a beat, he said, "Daddy, your nose is big." Again, we couldn't stop laughing, and Brennan was really confused by us. He didn't understand what was so funny.
Brennan is such a boy's boy. He loves anything with wheels. Grandpa refurbished an electric 3-wheeler for Brennan. Brennan hops on that thing, and rides it like he was born on it! It is, without a doubt, his favorite toy. He is also obsessed with finding airplanes and contrails in the sky. If he sees or hears one, we must drop everything and look into the sky! He says his favorite thing to do is "RUN!" And man can he run! I really have to run to keep up with him.
Brennan is so sweet. When I go into his room in the morning, he says, "'Moring, I'm so glad you're here." as he hugs me and does a fake little whimper. He constantly says, "I like you, Mommy." or "You can be our friend, Mommy." (No idea who the "our" is.) as he hugs me.
I could go on and on about how wonderful our little 3 year old is, but to sum it up...he is perfect to us.

Diem-11 months

 Age: 11 months

Diem is still the happiest little girl. Last month, she started waving and clapping! I didn't even try to teach her, she just started to imitate people. Brennan waves to Ryan from the dining room window, everyday as Ryan is leaving for work. I just about died, when Diem started waving her little hand to Daddy, too!
Diem only pulls herself up to her knees. She really doesn't like standing yet. If I stand her up against her play table, she whines a bit. She'll hold herself there for a few minutes, before she collapses. Her little thighs are still covered in rolls, and I think she needs to add a bit more muscle to them :)
Diem is starting to develop her little attitude. If I'm feeding her "too slowly" she whines and grunts in between bites. She also whines when she's frustrated, like when Brennan or I take a toy away from her.
Diem is crawling really fast. She loves crawling after Brennan, and Brennan thinks it's pretty hilarious, too.
Diem still doesn't have any teeth!
