Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Diem-7 months

Age: 7 months

Diem doesn't have any teeth yet. Brennan popped his 2 bottom teeth at 4 months, so I'm surprised that Diem hasn't followed suit. She is always making silly faces with her mouth and tough. She is so loud and vocal now. She loves yelling over and over. When I asked Ryan what he thought I should write about this last month, his reply was that she's the most beautiful, patient baby ever. That she wakes up smiling and goes to bed smiling. Every night Ryan and I say to each other that we have the most amazing kids! We seriously hit the jackpot!
Diem is a thumb sucker. Brennan never sucked his thumb, so I was so surprised when it was natural for Diem to suck her little thumb. It's adorable right now, but won't be if it continues past her baby years.


Saturday, April 2, 2016

Diem-6 months

Age: 6 months

Weight: 18lbs 5.8oz (85th percentile)

Height: 26 1/2" (73rd percentile)

Head: 42cm (48th percentile)

Diem is just wonderful! She's so happy and content 99% of the time. This month she started rolling from back to stomach. She's only done it a few times, but when she does, she does it so effortlessly. Diem laughs so much. Some of her favorite things to laugh at are Xander, when Brennan does cool dance moves on the carpet, and when my hair tickles her belly as I kiss her cheeks.
This month, she began sleeping in her crib, in her room. She has done great. She usually sleeps from 8:30PM-7 or 8:00AM. I couldn't ask for any better!
Diem took her first airplane ride in March. We went to Arizona for 8 days. She was an angel on the flight; didn't make a peep. On our flight home, the middle-aged man sitting behind us couldn't stop playing peek-a-boo with her between the seat crack, because she was giggling so hard!
Diem is still just a dream and we love seeing her little personality come out more each day.
