Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Diem-5 months

Age: 5 months

Diem has been loving her jumper this last month. She likes to rock back and forth and when she gets really excited, she'll jump up and down, with her hands up in the air (look mom, no hands!) Her hand eye coordination is excellent. She reaches for toys and holds them with both hands.
I love the feeling of Diem holding onto me, when I am holding her. She wraps her arms around my neck and holds on tight. She is a hair puller, though. I have to have my hair pulled back, or else her hands grasp my hair anytime they are close. Diem's new trick is playing with her toes. It's so cute! She also is exploring the use of her tongue. She loves to point her tongue up and rest it on the bow of her top lip.
Diem is still the sweetest baby imaginable! When she wakes up in the morning, she just lays there contently, until Ryan or I make eye contact with her. Then, her legs start kicking, and she get a huge smile on her face. I love seeing her little personality come out.
