Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Diem-2 months

Age: 2 months

Weight: 12lbs 5oz (74th percentile)

Height: 23" (73rd percentile)

Head: 38.5cm (57th percentile)

Diem is still a very content baby. It seems like she only cries once a week. She gives plenty of warning if she needs something. Brennan used to go from 0 to 100 in 3 seconds, so it's nice to not have a ticking time bomb for a baby :)
Diem loves being in the Boba carrier. She falls asleep within minutes of being snuggled up to me in it. I don't have to worry about her being upset, as long as she has a full belly. It makes leaving the house so easy.
Diem has been smiling even more lately. Every morning, she smiles so big, that her eyes shut. She has just started to coo when smiling this big. She gets so excited when she hears Ryan's voice. A few weeks ago, she was laying on her side and she lifted and turned her head to look up at Ryan, as he was talking to her. She's getting strong.
Diem is a pretty good sleeper. She only wakes up once or twice a night. Unfortunately, I am wide awake after changing, swaddling, and nursing her.
I love Diem's bottom lip. She likes to pout it out when she's sleeping. It's so precious!
