Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Brennan-23 months

Age:23 months

This month Brennan has been so funny with his facial expressions. He'll crawl up onto me and look me right in the eyes, as he makes a funny face. It makes me bust out laughing every time.
We went on a little get-a-way to Wisconsin Dells a couple weeks ago. Brennan did wonderful in the water. Ryan will be doing swimming lessons with Brennan next month. Hopefully he is a faster learner, than I was as a child. Brennan's favorite part of the Dells was definitely the deer park. The deer were able to roam freely around us. We were bombarded by deer, wanting to grab the crackers out of our hands. Brennan thought it was so funny, as long as he was in our arms.
Brennan cracks me up so much. Lately, he will randomly come up next to me and say, "uhhh HI!"

Brennan's "silly face"