Friday, May 22, 2015

Brennan-22 months

Age: 22 months

Brennan has had so much energy lately. He loves running really fast, and especially when we say, "Wow, you're so fast!" Every night about an hour before bedtime, he is really hyped up. He loves belly flopping onto his ball and being surprised by where and how he hits the floor.
Last weekend, Ryan helped move my brother, and his fiance, from Pittsburgh to Washington DC, so Brennan and I had a mommy/son weekend. We left the house early on Saturday and went to The Original Pancake House for breakfast, then drove an hour to a great petting zoo. It turned out to be a beautiful, sunny day. Even though Brennan thought the animals were pretty cool, he still enjoyed the random balls and tractors around the property more.
Brennan's favorite thing to do right now is to be outside. He has figured out how to open the sliding screen doors to the patio, if I have the large glass doors open for a breeze. If I'm not looking, he slides the door quickly, and makes a run for it. He doesn't care if it's light or dark, warm or cold, dry or rainy, he just wants to be outside. I was also surprised by how brave he is with his backyard play set. I was watering my plants, and looked over to see him climbing the ladder all by himself. He'll jump right down the slide, although he doesn't know how to slow himself down at the bottom. He goes flying off onto his butt/back every time that I'm not there to catch him.
