Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Baby #2-sex reveal

We found out last week that we are having a baby girl!
We are so excited to experience raising both sexes!

Brennan-21 months

Age: 21 months

Brennan has been incredibly sweet this month. He has been so happy and clingy. Typically, Brennan is pretty independent and does not like to cuddle. He enjoys being held, but only if you're standing and walking, so that he can get a different view of things. This month, he has been reaching up for us to lift him onto the couch, so that he can sit next to us for a few minutes at a time.
Some of his favorite things to do this month are jumping (going up onto his tippy toes) and dancing (quickly jumping from one leg to the other.) All you have to do is ask him to do either, and he gets a mischievous smile on his face and obliges.
Brennan has made leaps and bounds this month with his speech. He is really trying to pronounce words and not just saying "DA!" or "BA!" every time we ask him to repeat after us. His favorite things to say are definitely still "ball" and "whatisthat?"


Tuesday, April 14, 2015