Thursday, January 22, 2015

Brennan-18 months

Age: 18 months

Weight: 27lbs 4.5oz (87th percentile)

Height: 32.5" (50th percentile)

Head: 49.7cm (96th percentile)

Brennan started gymnastics this month. It's a parent and tot class. He's a little timid to try out the equipment, but loves just running on the spring floor. I hope this will help him be a bit more social. I wouldn't say that he's shy, but he's definitely not outgoing with strangers. When he gets nervous, he always puts his hands into his mouth. Once a stranger turns their back to him, he starts waving and yelling at them. It only takes him 10 minutes to warm up to people, but we want him to feel confident in social situations.
One of Brennan's new moves this month is walking backwards. He thinks he's pretty cool doing it. He'll walk really slowly backwards, with a huge smile on his face and then once he bumps into something, he bursts out laughing.
Brennan is really understanding what we're saying. We can ask him to get something and 9 times out of 10, he will. If he doesn't understand he'll say, "Huh?" and wants us to point to the object. He can also point to any animals eyes in a book. Sometimes he surprises me when I ask him, "where are his eyes?" and he'll take his little pointer finger and precisely point at the tiniest eyes in a book!
