Friday, May 30, 2014

Brennan-10 months

This month Brennan sat up on his own for the first time! He was laying on his stomach, then pushed back until he was sitting. All it took was the one time, and he acts like he's been doing it his whole life. He still hasn't started crawling, but he sure gets around by rolling repeatedly and scooting on his butt.
He's still incredibly happy. He has a perma-grin! Everywhere we go, strangers comment on how happy he looks. I definitely credit his joy to having a daily routine. He takes his naps at 9AM, 1PM, and 5PM like clockwork. He goes to bed at 8:30PM and wakes up at 7AM everyday! He also eats every 2 hours and that just keeps him happy :)
Brennan is a total people-watcher. He leans over my shoulder and watches people whenever we're out running errands. He's intrigued by everything they do.
Brennan's top two front teeth have been coming in for the last few months. It's bittersweet, because he looks so darn cute with that little gapped-tooth grin, but he doesn't look like our little baby anymore.
 Rubber duckies

 He loves his grandpa!

 Mother's Day

Strong shoulders
