Age: 7 months
Brennan's favorite things: Brennan loves touching everything and anything! We went out to dinner the other night, and Ryan was holding Brennan on his lap. Before Ryan even sat down, Brennan had his hand on the steak knife. He quickly went to the plate, napkin, salt, and then to the butter. It was hilarious watching Ryan trying to keep up with him!
Brennan loves to eat solid foods! This month Brennan had his first taste of real food. He has had avocado, banana, and sweet potato. I think his favorite so far is banana. We're going to try peas next.
Our favorite things: Brennan is sitting up so well. It's fun, because he can play in a whole new way now. We always joke that he has a little engineer mind. When we handed him a brightly colored plastic piano, he turns it over to the blank white side and studies the screws and battery cap.
Brennan is finding his voice. The sweet sounds he makes are too much for us. I love hearing him babble to himself in his car seat, or over the baby monitor when he wakes up in the morning.