Age: 6 months
Weight: 14lbs 3oz (3rd percentile)
Length: 26.25" (50th percentile)
Head: 43cm (50th percentile)
Brennan's favorite things: Brennan loves to reach for everything! He extends his arm out whenever I am carrying him, in hopes that he'll get his hand on anything that we walk past. He doesn't care what it is, it can be a person, the refrigerator, or even the wall.
Brennan loves his Christmas gifts! My parents gave him a Jumperoo, and he will go nuts in that thing. His latest move is a smooth sway, though. My older brother gave him a play gym mat. He will lay on it for an hour, just trying to reach all of the hanging toys.
Our favorite things: We adore how incredible happy Brennan is. There is nothing else in this world that warms our hearts as much as when Brennan smiles at us. We were in a waiting room this week, and I had Brennan's car seat facing away from us. Suddenly we hear him just giggling away! I look and there's a little girl in his sight. She's just sitting there, holding her mom's hand. She wasn't giving him the time of day, but he laughed at her for a good 10 minutes.
We adore that Brennan recognizes us. Just seeing one of us makes him smile. We also have to be careful that we don't make eye contact if Brennan is content. If he spots us, he starts fussing and needs attention. He's starting to get a little separation anxiety. Even though it makes us feel very loved, we're trying to discourage this behavior.