Age: 4 months
Weight: 11 lbs. 14 oz. (3rd percentile)
Length: 25" (50th percentile)
Head: 41 cm (50th percentile)
Brennan's favorite things: Brennan still loves to be held. Nothing makes him as happy as being in our arms. Sometimes it's draining, but I know I'll miss this when he's a toddler, pushing me away and wanting to run and explore on his own.
Brennan loves to use his hands to touch. He loves to caress my neck, hair, and face. We just put his Exersaucer together and he's enjoying reaching for the different objects
Our favorite things: We adore Brennan's voice. He has been so vocal. He puckers up his lips and "whooos" like an owl repeatedly.
We adore watching Brennan hit his milestones. He recently rolled from stomach to back for the first time. Ryan and I were both there for it. We couldn't believe our eyes, but then he did it two more times.