Thursday, September 26, 2013

Brennan-2 months

Age: 2 months

Weight: 10 lbs 13 oz (15th percentile)

Length: 23" (35th percentile)

Head: 40 cm (85th percentile)

Brennan's favorite things: Brennan loves to be held. If he's upset, it's usually enough for one of us to just pick him up to soothe him. What a welcomed development ;)
Brennan loves to take baths! The minute his body touches the water, he is instantly relaxed. He'll just chill for 5 minutes, then he starts to get really excited and likes to splash with his arms and legs.

Our favorite things: Ah man, we have so many, how do we decide?!? We ADORE Brennan's smiles! Every day he smiles more and more. At this rate, he'll have a permanent smile on his face by 3 months. He is the happiest in the morning, after his first feeding. It is my all time favorite moments with him.
We adore the noises Brennan is making. Our favorite is after he sneezes, he lets out a loud sigh. We get so excited when we hear his first sneeze, because the anticipation for that sweet sigh is the best! He is also trying to communicate with us. He'll carry on back and forth, like he really has input in the conversation.
