Thursday, February 28, 2013


Weeks: 18

Waist size: +3"

Weight gain: 0lbs

Symptoms: I've been feeling really good this week. I have some round ligament pain when I get up from laying down or sitting, or when I sneeze or cough. It's not too bad though, only lasts for a few seconds.

Cravings: Ham and egg croissants! I have one every day!

Aversions: It's really hard for me to get motivated to make a meal. The cooking process just grosses me out. Ryan loves chicken, and I haven't made him anything with chicken since I've been pregnant. I'm thinking I need to make him some chicken tonight :)

Sleep: I don't think I'll be sleeping through the night for the next year+ of my life. I'm up for a good hour or two during the night.

Wedding ring on: Yes

Best moment this week: Ryan and I spent the weekend looking at nursery furniture. Ryan also started priming the nursery to be painted! 

Thursday, February 21, 2013


Weeks: 17

Waist size: +2.5"

Weight gain: 0lbs.

Symptoms: Still fatigued during the day

Cravings: Oreos and milk

Aversions: Nothing really this week.

Sleep: Getting better!

Wedding ring on: Yes

Best moment this week: Finding out that we're having a BOY! Second best moment...Ryan feeling the baby kick for the first time on Valentine's Day!!!

Friday, February 15, 2013


Weeks: 16

Waist size: +2"

Weight gain: Down 1lb

Symptoms: I'm still fatigued, but I have so much more energy compared to this last 3 months. My face has also broken out a little.

Cravings: This last week it's been steak! I've had it for dinner 3 nights! 

Aversions: Eggs and savory breakfast foods. No hash browns, sausage, or cheese please.

Sleep: About 6 hours a night, usually interrupted with an hour or two of being awake.

Wedding ring on: Yes

Best moment this week: I felt the baby move for the first time this week! It's when I'm laying in bed for the night. Also, at our Hypnobirthing class I could feel it moving like crazy when we were practicing the relaxing techniques.

Thursday, February 7, 2013


Weeks: 15

Waist size: +1.5"

Weight gain: down 3lbs.

Symptoms: Still tired and a few headaches. 

Cravings: Popcorn! The real kind, where I put kernels and oil in a pan on the stove.

Aversions: I can't eat "meals." I haven't had a variety of food at one sitting in a long time. 

Sleep: I can fall asleep fast, but I wake up somewhere between 1-3AM every night. 

Wedding ring on: Yes

Best moment this week: I was able to make it to a maternity store and I'm so glad I did! I got some awesome comfortable pants for work.

Friday, February 1, 2013


Weeks: 14

Waist size: +1"

Weight gain: down 5lbs

Symptoms: I'm feeling so much better as the weeks go on. I'm still tired and not sleeping great.

Cravings: None

Aversions: I'm still limited on the things that actually sound ok.

Sleep: I'm having mostly better nights of sleep. I still have nights that I only get a few hours of sleep though. Overall, it's getting better.

Wedding ring on: Yes

Best moment this week: I can finally see a little change in my belly! That's exciting and a little scary at the same time :)